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WHO Age-Friendly Intervention Review


The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal articles (or reports published by government or affiliated agencies) that examine interventions to support AFCC/environment initiatives around the world. Specifically, this study will focus on exploring the most promising policies and interventions under the three age-friendly environmental dimensions (physical, social, and service environments). The ultimate goal of this study is to add to the evidence to promote AFCC/environment initiatives through multi-sectoral collaboration and to inform local and national policies to meet the growing need of an aging population in the Western Pacific Region.

This research was funded by the Western Pacific Region Office of the World Health Organization.

Hong, A., Welch-Stockton, J., Kim, J. Y., Canham, S. L., Greer, V., Sorweid, M. (2023) Age-friendly community interventions for health and social outcomes: A scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

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